I don't seem to keep up with either blog these days, so I'm going to just randomly post my completed fix-ups on this blog and be done with it. That said, here's the one project (yes, I only posted one actual completion) from my other blog.
So, here's a picture of the completed chandelier after I fixed it up.
See, problem was, I bought it over a year ago and left it in the garage waiting for a good time to ask Gampy to get 'round to-it. I gave up on Gampy and called my favorite handyman Kobie (pronounced K-obie). Preparation not being my strong suit, I opened the box just before Kobie arrived and discovered that it was waaaaay more silver than it had appeared in the lighting shop. I got it on sale for $90 so it was still a good buy as far as I'm concerned. With Kobie on the clock, it's too late to spray it Oiled Bronze like everything else in the house, SO I decided to have him hang it and I'll figure out something later.
After living with this silver chandelier for a few days, I tried to get up the nerve to ask Gampy to take down what I just paid to have put up, so I could paint it. Too much pride on my part to admit my error, so I challenged myself to do it in place.
I got out the mahogany furniture stain from MinWax and put on some latex gloves (from a hair dying episode) and then a pair of Gampy's old white gym socks on top of them. I dipped my socked-hands in the furniture stain and prayed no one would ring the doorbell any time soon.
I think it came out better with the furniture stain rubbed on it than it would've looked sprayed with metal spray paint.
So, of course I'm looking at everything around the house these days with a new eye as to what might look better with a little rubdown of my mahogany stain...and, I'm thinking Gampy's hair is a lit-tle too silver...hmmm, hold still Honey...I've got some new hair gel I want to try!
Say now, you did a great job. I really like it. I have to ask...did you stain the shades too? Looks so nice. I hope Gampy wasn't around while you were touchin up lol!
ReplyDeleteAlways enjoy your comments Toodie, as well as your blog. I didn't touch the shades, they just look yellow from the light bulbs. When the light is off, they're a light tan color.