Sunday, November 19, 2017

Getting Ready For The Holidays

You know how sometimes things get worse before they get better? Well, that's definitely the case around Rivercrest Cottage today! 

The mirror got moved to the floor when I cleared off the mantle, so we're getting very cluttered around here as we I get ready for the holidays. 

I wish I could say WE, but Wild Bill tends to have an urgent need to check something on his computer right after he hauls out my trusty old ladder for me! Is it that way in your house too? 

Please say yes. Otherwise I'll feel very put out! I like to stay calm and cheerful this time of year. That's why I try to start holiday decorating so early each year. 

So...I was lying on the floor taking pictures (you're gonna have to wait for the reason at a later post) when the voice behind the computer asked, 

"What in the world are you doing?"

"I'm taking pictures."

Apparently the idea of lying on the floor was no more enticing to him than climbing on the ladder. He stayed behind the computer.

I took a picture of the pillow on the couch, right next to the mirror on the floor, and wondered aloud if we should paint the ceiling white...

Santa didn't seem to have an answer...

The chicken was still mad about being part of the holiday decor...

Wild Bill mumbled he would research it on the internet...

...And I decided I just might leave the Halloween crows up on top of the window...with the Christmas decorations...since they were the only ones besides me who seemed to be interested in decorating for the holidays!

Thanks for dropping by!


  1. I would never ask Steve to help decorate for Christmas - it's too overwhelming for him.

    And I won't decorate until Thursday evening when we get home from Thanksgiving dinner so our guest room is a total disaster right now.

    1. Somewhere there's an answer to why men don't like to help decorate!

  2. Well, the difference here is that I have to haul out my OWN ladder because MyHero finds something to do AWAY FROM home if anything looks like it needs toting or moving. At least you get a hand with the ladder. lol Looking good so far, Sugar. If you were on the floor at my house you could photograph the dust bunnies up close and personal. xo Diana

  3. Kind of like here - except for taking pictures while lying on the floor....

  4. I use the ladder to decorate the tree, but everything else involving the ladder gets done by Mac.

  5. Hubby doesn't "DO" Christmas decorating so it's up to me. I doubt if he would say anything if I didn't decorate at all. But I will....after Thanksgiving.

  6. Oh, too funny! My Hubby thinks I'm nuts sometimes, but then begrudgingly tells me it all looks great - after I've done all the work. Every once in a while he gets in the spirit of things. If there's a baked treat as a reward. I'm a little manipulative :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Sometimes the same thing happen to me, but generally he is very helpful.. :)

  8. It's always an adventure, isn't it? My kids used to love helping, but now they scatter and my husband is always *working*...ah well, just means I get to do it all my way! ;)

  9. This post is so cute! Glad I didn't miss it. Your decorating is all very pretty. I laughed about you lying on the floor wondering if you should paint the ceiling white. At least Wild Bill brings you the ladder, and answers you. I have to bring in the ladder myself, and Poppy acts like he doesn't hear me when I talk. :)

  10. This is the best blog post I have ever read!!!! AND the most realistic!! I think Wild Bill's brother lives at my house :^)
    This was GREAT and I am so glad I wandered in today! I am also a "fast as I could" transplant to Texas....
    Blessings to you,
