Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January's Dreams Of New Landscaping

How about you? Are you already dreaming of Spring planting like me? I'm not really a gardening-type person, but I do admire other peoples landscaping at this time of year.
My biggest landscaping dream is to remove some of the lawn on our corner lot and replace it with mulched beds. This landscaped bed at P F Chang's restaurant in Allen, Texas, tickled my fancy as my mother used to say.

All the lawns have gone dormant and are brown here in Texas this time of year. To me, this type of bed looks a lot better than brown lawn. I think this is 'the year' we'll replace some of that lawn, at least I hope so. 

Thanks for dropping by!


  1. I love the dry river bed look too, good luck. We have a raging snow storm in progress, so landscaping is a little far away.

  2. Oh, yes...I am already dreaming...I want to do some container gardening of tiny tomatoes and a few peppers...and lots of wild flowers..I love informal more than formal gardens...since we have a green house, I think I can start my tomatoes soon in there....

  3. Love that photo and I know it would look great in your yard too.
    The landscaper was here at 10:30 this morning to talk about what shrubs need to go and what to replace them with..
    Great minds thinking alike:-)

  4. Our gardening this time of year consists of keeping the snow off the steps and walkways. lol We grow icicles and frost fingers and toes. xo Diana

  5. I usually have the seed catalogues out and big dreams at this time of the year but with moving they will be put on hold.

  6. I'm right there with you! I can't wait!

  7. That looks great! Sounds like a good plan to me. Can't wait to see how it turns out for you.

  8. My front yard used to be all flowers!
    I had dug up the grass and figured flowers would be prettier and I wouldn't have to mow a lawn.
    But I was always out there weeding and working on it!
    So a couple of years ago, I dug them all up and planted grass.
    I for a moment thought about mulching it all but I think I would miss color and the grass is green here.
    But if the choice is brown grass versus brown mulch, I'd vote for mulch!
    That would be prettier with ornamental grass and rocks!
    Yep, this is the perfect time fro dreaming.
