Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cheap Tricks: Decluttering With The 10 Percent Rule

I was thinking I needed to de-clutter, so like a true procrastinator, I got out one of my "organizing" binders full of articles torn from magazines and sat down to read.

The first article I read was probably 5 years old. I should have read it 4 years ago.  

The article stated the key to de-cluttering is to try to get rid of just 10 percent of your clutter each time you tackle it.

This may not sound like a miracle to you, but it was a big relief to me. I usually tackle a room thinking get rid of it all! Then I get everything out and make a big mess, get overwhelmed, and put it all back.

So, using the 10 percent rule suggested, I picked up a few things I could part with off each shelf I tackled and put them in a box, then moved on to another area.

Soon, my box was full so I went to the garage to unload some boxes (yes, 3 years after "the move" I still have unpacked boxes) and ended up clearing out the garage with Wild Bill!  

We decided to donate even  "the good things" we were saving to sell on craigslist. As soon as the pick-up was full with 2 room size rugs, furniture and all kinds of knick-knacks, we quickly drove it to the local charity store and donated it. Done! Gone! Yay!

OK, OK... I admit I waivered a bit when
we dropped it off.

But, once we got home and I saw our empty garage, it felt great!

In a few days, I'll tackle another area of the house, looking for another 10 percent that can go. 

I'll never be a minimalist, but now I don't feel like a hoarder either.


  1. I have been trying to get rid of a few more things each week , I have become overwhelmed with stuff! It feels so good to get rid of some of it.

    1. Me too on the overwhelmed. But, this 10 % system has really worked for me just because it gets me started.

  2. I've been trying to de-clutter for our move. I start off strong then I go through what I am giving away and start to change my mind on some things. I have 4 sizes in my closet and only one size fits!

    1. You're like my twin Katie! I had a red 10x8 foot rug that I took to donate and now see a lot of possibilities for xmas decorating, but thank goodness it's gone. I had 2 dress jackets from 1994 that haven't fit in 15 years. Why was I keeping them?

  3. Oh I'm afraid I'm a hoarder. But 10percent sounds almost do able.

    1. Irene, you made me laugh at the hoarder comment. I don't know how "stuff" so easily gets the best of us!

  4. You are SO right with this rule! I have a tendancy to hang on to things too long as well. I always worry I might need it one day. I think this is a great way to tackle to problem slowly without feeling overwhelmed. Christmas is coming, which is a good time to purge (to make room for the new stuff). LOL!

    1. Kelly, I'm getting all my xmas stuff down and going through it now as people are looking for good decorations now. My goal is to reduce by 10% this year's xmas décor.
