Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Vintage Love And Computer Issues

One of my favorite things of all my
finds is this vintage strainer.

It looks lighter here, but is actually
almost a denim blue in my
windowless kitchen.

See how much darker it is hanging
on the kitchen cabinet?

I've been grumpy lately
and avoiding my blog.

My computer was acting up and
it would not show a lot of the 
pictures on blogs, so we decided
it was time to get a new laptop.

Guess what?

The new one acted up too!

Turns out, it was in our high speed
cable internet box...or modem...or
something to do with the connection.

I kinda tuned out when Wild Bill
went into what I call his
"deep discussion mode"
about how he fixed it.

Just wanted to warn ya'll that if
your computer won't show pictures
on blogs, you might want to check
out the little box thingy and the
cable internet stuffy before you
blame your poor laptop.

That's as technical as I get.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting.
I'm always glad to see you here.

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  1. Rivercrest Cottage,
    Oh, dear one, I understand completely!!!
    We speak the same language!!!
    Love your vintage stainer. . .loved gray in the first few photos. Once you placed it against the cupboard, I could clearly see the blue!!!
    See, we know e x a c t l y what we're conversing about, now. . .don't we???

    1. yes, thinking of seeing if I can color match the colander at Home Depot to paint a dresser or furniture that color.

  2. Oh no, to the computer!

    I love the blue colander! xoxo

    1. what did we do before computers? I think there was less stress.

  3. Love your strainer, it does take a great deal of patience sometime to deal with computers. Don't be grumpy, spring is almost here.

  4. We have crappy reception some days with out internet, too. They even came out and put a booster in and a secondary booster in the lower level and we still have problems...Grrrrrr..........

    LOVE that strainer. My gramma had a very similar one but hers was grey with a black rim. xo Diana
