Here's a very sturdy little bench I whizzed past the last time I was down in Salado. It was out front of a thrift/antiques shop and I had to make a quick U-turn and check it out. I don't think I've told you, but I have an obsession with benches and tables. I love the Pottery Barn benches, but too much money I think.

I knew Wild Bill "could" make it for me, but when would he really "get round tu'it" I wondered?So I went inside and the lady said "how about $20?" Deal done in 2 minutes, but I spent 2 hours talking to her and her husband before he and I loaded it up. They were my kind of people and how could they not know about selling on the internet???

I was thinking it would look cute with a cushion on the top...maybe painted black and aged down and banged up a little? Any ideas would be appreciated. Leave me a comment on what you would do, heh? Gosh, I think I've been reading Toodie's 'Babblelot' blog too much, I've taken to talking like her! If you haven't been there, check her out on my bloglist on the right. She makes my day when I'm down.
What a deal for the price, it would look great black-maybe with a toile cushion?
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think I've become ah benchaholic myself. I see old planks and visualize ah bench. That is a very cool bench you got for ah song. I have too many ideas to write down for ya. You could paint piano keys on top and scruff it up and say it was the first keyboard. I know I know...another cuppah coffee.
ReplyDeleteI think you talk jist fine!
I came back to give you an idea.
ReplyDeleteLemme see now, what was it?
I'll be back when I find my post it note...
WOW that was a great deal! The bench is so cute juts about anything would look good.. but I am thinking something with burlap or drop cloth would be cute. Thanks for stopping by my site to check out my project and for the kind comments :)
ReplyDeleteAre you (or Bill) handy with saws and things? You might like this website I recently found that has plans for making furniture ala Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel.